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Lino Printing Classes/Workshop Questions

1 - What will I learn in your Lino Printing workshops/courses?

In my classes I get students coming along with varied abilities and I aim to tailor the classes acordingly. Complete beginners and those who wish for a refresher I will always begin the first class going over what lino printing is and show examples, show how to use the cutting tools safely and how to ink up and print your designs

After the very first class they become more 1 to 1 and you begin to work on your own projects. I will always give you a helping hand and ideas and examples to help you with this

More information can be found on my blog post What will you learn on one of my lino printing courses?

2 - Do You Do One to Ones?

Absolutely. These sessions are run from my studio in Bristol in 4 hour slots and are perfect for those who cannot commit to a regular class, find group classes distracting or uncomfortable, or you just want to focus on a particular project and have my full attention

For more details about my one to ones and other private Lino Printing Sessions please visit my Lino Printing Workshops Page

3 - Do You Do Lessons About Printing On To Fabric?

Yes I do. At the moment these are only run as private sessions from my Bristol studio as one to ones or for two people. For more information please look at Lino Printing on to Fabric

4 - Do you run workshops for Children?

No, sorry. For private sessions run from my studio and at Bristol Folk House, the policy is for all students to be 18 and above of age

5 - I Can’t Attend The Session, Can I get a Refund

Ideally the best solution would be to reschedule the session, however I understand that sometimes this is not possible, so….

If more than two weeks notice is given then a refund is possible minus the transaction fee I’ve had to pay, this is usually 2.50%

If 7 to 14 days notice then 50% refund will be given, as I need to cover materials and time spent on preparing for the session

If less than a weeks notice then unfortunately I cannot offer a refund. Rescheduling the session would be the best solution

6 - Need more info About My Lino Printing Workshops and Classes?

Please send me a message on my Contact Me Form

Lino Print Questions

1 - What is an Original Print?

An artist conceives and produces an original print through one or more printmaking methods, using either traditional methods such as lithography, etching, relief and screen printing or through digital imaging to produce an original print.

When an original print or painting is copied (usually through a photographic process) and then printed using a commercial process such as giclée, it is a reproduction and not an original print or painting.

Most original prints are created in limited editions of around 10 to 50 to a maximum of 250, numbered, titled and signed by the artist

2 - What is a Lino Print?

Lino printing is a form of relief printing where the printing block is cut into linoleum. Lino is often used as a floor covering but for artist use a specific type has been made for this purpose. A design is carved out of the lino and is then inked, a piece of paper placed over it, and then run through a printing press or by hand by applying pressure to transfer the ink on to the paper. The end result is a lino print

3 - What is a Reduction Lino Print?

A reduction lino print is a way of introducing multiple colours to a print all from using the same lino block as oppose to using a block for each colour as you would with a multiple block lino print. For each colour the artist removes more material from the block. Each colour is then printed on top of the previous. The artist must print the entire edition as they work, because the printable area of the single block is reduced with each pass.

To find out more about reduction lino printing please read my blog post Lino Printing Tips: How do I make my colourful botanical lino prints?

4 - Need more info About Lino Printing?

Please send me a message on my Contact Me Form

Metal Sculpture Questions

1 - How do I make my Botanical Metal Sculptures?

All my sculptures are made out of brass or copper using traditional silversmithing techniques, using saws, files, blow torches and polishers to make my creations.

To find out more please read Metal Creations: How do I make my botanical metal sculptures?

2 - How do I get the colours on my Botanical Metal Sculptures?

Some of my sculptures are green or blue and I use a technique called patina which is a chemical reaction that creates a thin layer of colour on the surface of the metal: copper, brass, bronze and similar metals. A green/blue tarnish is produced by oxidation. This can happen naturally over time by leaving the metal exposed to the elements or can be forced by using chemical processes.

To find out more about the process please read Metal Creations: How do I create the green colours on my botanical metal sculptures? and Metal Creations: How I create the blue colours on my botanical metal sculptures?

3 - How do you clean and care for your Botanical Metal Sculptures?

I currently create three types of sculpture, plain copper or brass, a mix of plain metal with a patina/colour and full patina/colour. Each one needs to be cleaned in a slighlty different way and when you buy one of my Botanical Metal Sculptures it will come with a care card giving you instructions on cleaning

You can also read more in depth instructions on my blog post How Do You Clean and Care for Your Botanical Metal Sculpture?

4 - Need more info About My Metal Sculptures?

Please send me a message on my Contact Me Form

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